Wondering how you’ll fill your days when you retire? Here are 50 fab ideas for staying active in retirement!
1. Take up a new sport – A few ideas to get you started: walking, swimming, badminton, tennis, canoeing, croquet, golf, biking, curling, bocce ball, shuffleboard, bowling, Tai Chi.
2. Be a campground host – If you own an RV, fifth wheel or travel trailer and enjoy being around people, this might be the perfect way to camp for free for the summer, plus in many instances, earn a small wage. Some things you might be responsible for: greeting guests and answering any questions that they may have, explaining the campground layout and directing guests to campsites, daily maintenance and cleaning of restrooms, fee collection, and cleaning and maintaining campsites. Read more…
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This past weekend I grabbed my car keys and my purse, kissed my husband goodbye and said “I’m running to Walmart to pick up a few things. I won’t be gone long.” The look on his face said it all, he knows what happens when I shop. After all, he’s been there, he’s made the dreaded trip to the store with me many times.
When I finally arrived back home 2 1/2 hours later, his eyes said “I told you so” and his lips jokingly said, “your face looks familiar”. So I tried to explain why my trip was, well, like all of my trips. Read more….
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The light is finally visible at the end of the tunnel, the day you’ve dreamed of, your retirement day!
You think that you’ve done everything you need to do to be ready for this day, but have you?
The fact is that many people find they haven’t prepared themselves nearly as well as they thought. The piece of the plan they’ve missed is the psychological aspect of transitioning into retirement. Read more….
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Do you ever dream of selling everything after you retire, buying an RV and hitting the road to live the RVing lifestyle?
Or maybe keeping your home, but doing lots of traveling in an RV?
If you’re considering either one of these options, there are two books that you need to read!
I’m semi-retired; only working one day per week and my husband, Paul will be retiring on July 31st this year. Our plan is Read more….
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Welcome to Party in Your PJ’s!
It’s hard to believe the month of February is gone already. I’m not complaining because I’m ready for warm weather, keyword being warm, not “hot”! We weathered the storm on Friday fairly well. Except for my having to run around the neighborhood in the freezing wind picking up pieces of our trash before I could leave for work Friday morning.
My son’s house lost a few roofing tiles and he jumped right on getting those replaced because of a bad experience with missing tiles in the past.
We have seen caravans of electric trucks Read more….
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I have a pen fetish! I have always loved planners, notebooks, paper, pretty much anything office supply related, but mostly pens. When out shopping together when our children were still at home it was always a joke between them and my husband that if they couldn’t find me, just look in the pen aisle!
I’ve recently found pens that I love so much that I had to share them with you. These pens weren’t given to me to write a review and I wasn’t paid to write a review, I simply want to share them with you because I like using them so much. Read more….
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Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed with all the information bombarding you from social media?
I do! In fact, when it comes to certain topics I just want to throw up my hands, walk away and give up.
Those certain topics for me are blogging and health information. Titles like “I made $5000 dollars a month my first year of blogging” make me feel as if I have failed and failed badly. Then I remind myself that nothing can make me feel like a failure unless I allow it! Read more….
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Some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission and it’s very much appreciated!
Many of us love to see the signs of fall each year and all the things that go along with it…. crisp air, colorful leaves and fall festivals. But what also goes along with it is the shortening of our daylight hours and that can lead to problems.
Now fall has turned into winter and in addition to the shorter days, the temps have been frigid for some of us making it difficult to get outside.
I knew that dreary, cloudy weather and shorter days affected the way I felt and now I know why. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Read more….
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Are you looking for an educational toy for your grandchild that will actually keep his or her attention for longer than a week? I know I’m always on the lookout for ideas, so I’ve put together some of the toys I’ve come across this holiday season in this guide.
Educational Toys
The toys in this holiday gift guide will keep little hands busy while causing creative juices to flow! Read more….
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I recently attended a seminar on the subject of brain health and it was a real eye-opener. How many times have we heard “you are what you eat” and just brushed it aside? Well, it’s true and the impact on our brains is immense.
At this time Alzheimer’s Dementia is estimated to affect 5.4 million Americans and by the year 2050, the number of people 65 and over to have Alzheimer’s may triple to 13.8 million Americans. Shocking numbers!
I don’t want Alzheimer’s disease, no one does. Genetics does play a role in our risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I know we can’t change that, but what we need to realize is the role our nutrition and other lifestyle choices are influencing the disease. Read more….
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