Who hasn’t heard or seen in the movies the crazy antics of the 1920’s barnstormers with their flying circus pilots and wing walkers. But have you seen anything like them in person? I hadn’t until a recent Sunday afternoon.
I first learned of the Flying Circus Airshow near Bealeton, Virginia last summer. I wanted to visit and see their performance, but one thing leads to another and before we had a chance to make the trip their season was over So this year I was determined not to miss it!
This Flying Circus has been thrilling crowds for 44 years, making it one of the nation’s longest running airshows. Pilots of these beautiful old planes come out every Sunday afternoon from May through October to provide good clean family fun. Read more…
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Do old barns call to you as they do to me? I love barns, I’ve always loved barns. I can’t begin to recall the number of times I have said to my husband, “I want a barn”.
I know that I’m not the only one with these feelings of affection, otherwise there wouldn’t be calendars and books about them. So what exactly is it, why do we love old barns? What do they say to us? Read more….
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Cambria is a sleepy little village on the central coast of California nestled among Monterey Pines. As you travel along Highway 1 to reach Cambria you will see beautiful rolling hills on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other. This lovely location has been a favorite vacation spot of my sisters and their families for years. Read more….
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Until I read “A Walk in the Woods” by Bill Bryson, a wonderful book by the way, I had never heard of Centralia, PA and the fact that a coal mine has been burning underground there since 1962. I mentioned this to my husband, Paul and he said “it’s been burning there since the early 60s and it could burn for another 250 years.” So he has been living with this knowledge for many years and just never shared it with me. He is however, a walking encyclopedia of bits of knowledge.
This event really got my attention; I had no idea a coal mine could burn endlessly on and on underground or that it had ever happened in the real world. So today when the weather forecast stated is was to be a warm balmy 60 degrees we were thinking about where to take a day trip and Centralia popped into my mind. I wanted to see this place with my own eyes! So we gathered up our collie, Gunnar and off we went. Read more….
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What special day do we celebrate every year in February? Hint – it’s not Valentines Day! This special day, or actually two days, hold a place of much greater value in our lives. These days have great historical significance.
Every year in February we celebrate Presidents Day and in addition, the birthday of George Washington, the first president of the United States.
Since moving to the east coast I have grown to have a deep love of American history. There is so much here to see and learn of the struggles our forefathers went through to bring this great nation into existence.
Some of the most revealing and interesting of these places are Read more….
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Travel with young grandchildren is not without its challenges, but you can make it more pleasant for yourself and your grandchildren if you do some preparation beforehand.
Check off lists work great for me. That way if my brain is cluttered with too many “to do’s”, I can just go down the list and feel fairly confident that I have what I need! So I created a form that works for me and I’m hoping it will be helpful to you. Keeping in mind that these are suggestions and you might feel that your grandchildren’s needs vary. I left some empty lines so you can add your own items and ideas! read more….
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We love to vacation by the ocean! Last year it was the outer banks of North Carolina. This year we decided to take our family vacation on Cape Cod. Our big disappointment was finding out that our daughter and her family wouldn’t be able to make the trip this year!!
About 5 years ago, Paul and I spent a week in Plymouth, MA and had such a good time! We didn’t spend much time on the cape however, so we weren’t sure of read more….
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Port Townsend is a quaint little seaside town located on the northeast corner of the Olympic Peninsula. It is known for its historic charm and many Victorian buildings. Port Townsend is surrounded on almost all sides by water which makes it the perfect place for The Wooden Boat Festival. The festival is an annual event in Port Townsend that is visited by thousands from all over the world. My husband, Mike and I have lived on the Olympic Peninsula for 10 years and have never had the opportunity to go to the festival. This year we decided it was time to check it out!
As we arrived in Port Townsend we decided to take a detour when we saw a sign announcing “organic hard cider”. We had never tasted “hard” cider and thought read more….
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Two of our favorite hobbies are FOOD and taking drives along the PCH. Put the two together and you have the perfect date night!
Main Street in Santa Monica is a great place to experience an eclectic selection of cuisine. Every Tuesday 8 food trucks congregate in a parking lot on Main Street between the California Heritage Museum and The Victorian Restaurant. Savory scents of garlic, curry and grilled meats attract locals and visitors to the event. The small park next to the museum is full of families and beach goers, as well as people stopping in for read more….
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I love the ocean and there is something about the Outer Banks of North Carolina that I find intriguing. So when we decided to have a family vacation there last year I couldn’t have been more pleased. Our daughter and her family were able to make the trip from California which made it perfect!
We chose the town of Duck on the northern end of the outer banks as our destination for this trip. There are many very large and beautiful homes there to rent, but there are many modest homes as well. We chose one that was within read more….
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