I’m not proud of this, but I’m an overweight, out of shape baby boomer age lady! There, I admitted it! I know I need to work on it; eat right and exercise. I have no legitimate excuse, so I’ll just keep working at making those right food choices and getting in that daily walk. Never give up!
There is one form of exercise that my husband Paul, (who is also an overweight, out of shape baby boomer) and I have found that we really do enjoy together. That sport is flat water kayaking!
No white water for us! Flat water simply means a body of water that is calm or flat, no waves or rapids, such as a lake or slow moving river. To me it means “much safer”. Some people enjoy kayaking in the ocean, but that would never work for me. I have had a totally irrational fear of sharks ever since the debut of “Jaws” in 1975. Just another one of my idiosyncrasies.
We spent a leisurely morning recently kayaking up a local river. There was a slight wind causing the water to be a little choppy, but it was otherwise a perfect day. At times the river is so flat it looks like a sheet of glass.
Flat water kayaking, a great way to spend a day! #kayaking #exercise #babyboomers Click To TweetPaul and I purchased our kayaks three years ago and it has been a very good investment. The great thing about kayaking from a financial perspective is once you’ve made the original investment in equipment, there isn’t any cost involved except for gas to get to and from your kayaking destination.
Equipment required to get started…
- kayak
- paddle
- life vest
- water shoes
We purchased 8 ft kayaks. They’re not too bulky to carry and fit easily in the back of our truck.
My biggest problem with kayaking…
is trying to exit the kayak! I need to watch a video on how to do this correctly. Paul always helps me and sometimes I still manage to fall in. My funniest and most embarrassing moment with trying to get out of the kayak was at the end of another day we had spent on the river. We paddled to shore and Paul exited his kayak, pulled it up on shore and turned to help me. As he was holding my arm trying to help me up, I fell into the water and pulled him in right on top of me. There was a line of people on the boat ramp just standing there staring at us. I know I saw some trying to hide their laughter, but all I could do was laugh! I wish I had a video.
In closing…
If you have any local rivers or lakes, flat water kayaking might be something you want to try. It’s a great form of recreation and one that we truly enjoy.
P.S. This post will be shared on some wonderful link parties found on my “Where I Party” page!