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macrame wreath

I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that I happen to be a 70’s girl.  Led Zeppelin, 8-track tapes, Star Wars, and lava lamps were popular, but do you remember what craft was also popular in the 70’s?  Yes, macramé!  I love macramé and I couldn’t be happier about the fact that it’s making a comeback.

DIY Blog Challenge

I joined the DIY Blog Challenge this month and the theme for the month is fall/autumn.  It’s the perfect theme for me, I can get a project finished while there is actually still time to use it before we’re on to Christmas!

So I made this macramé fall wreath to use on my front door, but my dining room needs something to give it some pizzazz for the season too, so I’m still trying to decide where to use it.  One of the great things about the wreath is that it would look equally beautiful on a front door or hanging on an inside wall.

The wreath also has great flexibility because you can make it in colors and use decorative items to coordinate with any season.  Thinking ahead toward Christmas?  Choose Christmas colors and items to compliment.

It was easy to make too, so don’t be intimidated.

There are only 5 basic knots used:

  1. Reverse Larks Head
  2. Double Half Hitch
  3. Square Knot
  4. Alternating Square Knots
  5. Half Knot

macrame' wreath

This post contains an affiliate link, which means if you click on it and make a purchase, I will receive a very small commission.

Macramé Wreath Supplies:

  1. Round wooden disk or plaque (You can find these at craft stores or in the craft section of other stores).  You can get creative here, it doesn’t have to be a wooden disk, but whatever you use, you do have to be able to put the holes in.
  2. Chalkboard paint
  3. 12 wooden barrel beads
  4. Bonnie macramé cord – 6mm size, 100 yards
  5. 19″ metal hoop
  6. 8″ metal hoop
  7. Seasonal decorative items to add to your wreath

*Because of the materials used in this wreath it needs to be hung on a door that is protected from the elements, such as on a covered porch.

macrame' wreath

I ordered the cord I used from Amazon and purchased the beads, hoops and decorative items at Hobby Lobby.

Step 1

Preparing the wood disk.

  1. Drill 4 holes on opposite sides of the disk (total of 8).  Prior to drilling the disk, prepare it by taping it with a removable tape such as painters tape. This is to prevent the wood from splintering when you drill it.

macrame' wreath

After you have it taped, measure and mark the disk as to where you want to drill your holes.

macrame' wreath

Always drill your first hole with a small drill bit and then redrill with a larger one. We used 3 sizes in this order:          1/8 inch, ¼ inch, 3/8 inch

macrame' wreath

Paint the disk with chalkboard paint and allow it to thoroughly dry.

Step 2

  1. Cut 40 cords at 2 yards (72 inches) each
  2. Cut 8 cords at 2 ½ yards (90 inches) each

Step 3

Reverse Larks Head (RLH) a 3 yard cord through each hole in the wood disk (eight cords).

macrame' wreath

Step 4

Double Half Hitch (DHH) each cord onto the 8” metal ring.

macrame' wreath

macrame' wreath

Step 5

RLH a 2 ½  yard cord between each DHH’d cord on the 8” ring.  (Total of 6 cords used; 3 on each side)

macrame' wreath

macrame' wreath

Step 6

RLH the 34 remaining cords on each uncovered section of the 8” ring.  (Covering the ring)


Step 7

Tie two rows of Alternating Square Knots (ASK) around the 8” ring.

macrame' wreath

Step 8

Select a group of four cords (from alternating groups).  Tie a 4-inch Half Knot (HN) sinnet with these four cords.

macrame' wreath

Step 9

With the next group of four cords tie one Square Knot (SK).  Slide a bead onto the two filler cords.  Continue tying 6 square knots.  (Total length of the square knot sinnet should be 4”)   Hint:  Use scotch tape to tape the ends of each cord that the beads will go on.  This makes it much easier to get the cord through the beads.

macrame' wreath

Step 10

With the next four cords once again tie a 4” HK sinnet.

Step 11

Using the next four cords tie 6 SKs.  Slide a bead onto the two filler cords.  Tie 1 SK.  (Total length 4”)

Step 12

Repeat steps 8-11 until all cords are used. (24 sinnets total)

macrame' wreath

Step 13

Double Half Hitch (DHH) each cord onto the large ring.  (There will be ring showing between each DHH’d sinnet)

macrame' wreath

macrame' wreath

Step 14

Cut each cord to 3” length.  Save the cut cords.

macrame' wreath

Step 15

Cut the scraps into 8” pieces.

Step 16

Cover any exposed ring by RLHing the 8” pieces onto the ring.  (As in Step 6)

Step 17

Trim ends evenly and fluff them out.

macrame' wreath

macrame' wreath

Step 18

Glue the decorative pieces you’ve chosen onto the wooden disk.  (I suggest using a hot glue gun)

Create an easy, unique and beautiful fall wreath with macrame! #macrame #wreath #DIY #craft Click To Tweet

macrame' wreath

Step 19

Use chalk to write the message of your choice onto the disk.


Use a stencil and paint to put a permanent message on the disk.

Step 20

Add any decorative items you choose to the sinnets.  (I chose two silk flowers)

Crafty Destash Challenge


And there you have it; a beautiful and unique fall wreath or wall hanging!

Thank you for stopping by and reading today!  Visit all of these great blogs and see what they have come up with for the fall/autumn theme.  Lots of pretty things!


Doodle and Stitch

Cassie Smallwood

Makes, Bakes and Decor

From Evija with Love

This post will be shared at the link parties found on my “Where I Party” page.

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