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Last Saturday my husband, Paul, and I decided to take a drive.  It was a beautiful day and we had no destination in mind, we just drove.  We drove through Maryland and into Pennsylvania.  I often comment when we are out on our drives about what a beautiful land we live in.  The hills, the green, the farms!

I started snapping pictures with my phone as we drove along taking in the countryside.  With November and Thanksgiving on the horizon, I decided to share my country photos as a way of acknowledging the bountiful beauty in our little corner of the world. Read more….


Old BarnsDo old barns call to you as they do to me?  I love barns, I’ve always loved barns.  I can’t begin to recall the number of times I have said to my husband, “I want a barn”. 

I know that I’m not the only one with these feelings of affection, otherwise there wouldn’t be calendars and books about them.  So what exactly is it, why do we love old barns?  What do they say to us? Read more….