Sometimes when grandchildren are going to be spending the day with me, I’m very organized and plan out details of their visit. Other times, I just wing it! This past week when three of them were going to be spending the day with me, plus having a sleepover, I was organized!
When planning their visit, I was thinking about the things we could do together, and I decided to plan some activities and crafts around the letter B, specifically “B is for bird”.
My plans included: Read more….
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We love hummingbirds! Currently there are 4 that reside in our back yard. All day long they chatter and chase one another around the yard competing for nectar. Of all our flowering plants the Cigar Plant seems to rank #1 in popularity with our hummingbirds and the Hibiscus is probably the 2nd most desired.
Hummingbirds do not rely on scent but rather color to lead them to flowers that produce large amounts of nectar. They are particularly drawn to tubular shaped brightly colored flowers of red, orange and hot pink. Hummingbirds will also read more….
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