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Armoire MakeoverWe’ve been in our new home since March and I’ve been itching to make a few changes. Each time we move my mind starts to imagine all the possibilities and my ‘to do list’ is almost always at least 3 times what is feasible. Reality sinks in and I realize I can’t buy a new sofa, armoire, bedroom set and all the other items I so vividly picture in my head. So, what can I do? Hmm, first of all I can buy pillow covers for my ‘oh so brown‘ sofa. After a trip to IKEA I cross that task off the list. Next, after several moves across the country the green armoire we’ve had since the kids were in their early teens is in dire need of a facelift. Originally used to house the TV it is now used as storage for glassware and linens. Future plan is to buy a ‘real’ curio cabinet, but for now a new coat of paint on the armoire will have to suffice. read more….