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I love having our grandchildren over for play days and sleepovers and wanted to have a room for them they considered their own.  I’ve worked to create just that space for them.

The room had to be appropriate for boys and girls, so I chose two shades of green for the walls.  I purchased paint from Lowes and painted three walls a pale green and one wall bright green.

When decorating their room, I needed more space for storing toys, books, and games.  Paul, who is great at building things, removed the door Read more….


wall decorWe had an empty wall in our living room which was straight across from our couch, which meant that each time I sat on the couch I looked at the empty wall and thought “I need to do something with that”.  If you’re anything like me sometimes these projects take a long time to go from a thought to action!

One day as I was looking at the wall I thought of how an old church pew with pillows would look really good on that wall and at the same time provide some more seating.  I tried to explain my vision to my husband, Paul. Somehow I don’t think he could quite see that vision but he was willing to trust mine! Read more…