I love my completed macrame hanger which is now hanging in a corner of my dining room.
It literally hung in my living room for 3 months in various stages of completeness before it made it to my dining room ready to hold wine or juice or champagne or?
I saw this in an old macrame book and it was so unique that I wanted to give it a go. Read more….
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It’s so easy to buy gifts for our children when they’re little. It’s all about the toys! My grandchildren have browsed through the toy catalog from Toys-R-Us so many times that almost every toy in the book has been circled now. But as everyone knows it gets more difficult as they get older. And as for the adults, at least in my family, they usually want a gift card from somewhere.
I decided to send a gift of cash to my daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren in California, but I wanted to package it in some way that would be fun and they would have to work to get their money out.
I came up with an idea to use Read more….
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This month’s DIY Blog Challenge was to create something with a Halloween theme. Ooooh fun, right!
I went looking for an oval-shaped frame for the vision I had and found one at a thrift store on one of my husband Paul and I’s outings. My plan was to create a spooky spider web in the center of the frame and hang it on our front door. Read more…
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October Craft Room Destash Challenge!
Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. That just means if you click on the link and end up making a purchase, we get a small referral fee at no extra cost to you. Thank you!
This has been a crazy busy month around our house. We were getting ready for house guests when my husband’s employer decided it would be the perfect time to send him to a class for a week. Perfect time for who? Read more….
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We had an empty wall in our living room which was straight across from our couch, which meant that each time I sat on the couch I looked at the empty wall and thought “I need to do something with that”. If you’re anything like me sometimes these projects take a long time to go from a thought to action!
One day as I was looking at the wall I thought of how an old church pew with pillows would look really good on that wall and at the same time provide some more seating. I tried to explain my vision to my husband, Paul. Somehow I don’t think he could quite see that vision but he was willing to trust mine! Read more…
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by Teresa
on September 19, 2017

Sorry, I’m running late! I just got home from a 12-hour workday and I’m way behind. You know, one of those days where everything seems to go wrong. That’s all right though, it’s all good and tomorrow will be a better day!
But because I’m late, I’m not going to rattle on about anything else, I’m just going to jump right in with my featured blogs from last weeks great party. First I’m featuring Wendy at My French Twist and her Macrame Wall Hanging. Read more….
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I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that I happen to be a 70’s girl. Led Zeppelin, 8-track tapes, Star Wars, and lava lamps were popular, but do you remember what craft was also popular in the 70’s? Yes, macramé! I love macramé and I couldn’t be happier about the fact that it’s making a comeback.
DIY Blog Challenge
I joined the DIY Blog Challenge this month and the theme for the month is fall/autumn. It’s the perfect theme for me, I can get a project finished while there is actually still time to use it before we’re on to Christmas! Read more….
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I am so excited to participate in the Crafty Destash Challenge this month! I started digging through my craft supplies trying to come up with ideas and found a package of plastic paint palettes that I had bought for the grandkids to use and here they were still in the unopened package. But they did spark an idea!
I’ve been working on redoing the grandchildren’s bedroom at our house. One of the things I’ve planned is for one wall to focus on their creative endeavors including canvas paintings by each of the grandchildren. So now my thought is to do an artsy wreath with the paint palette and some brushes attached. Read more….
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In a recent foraging trip to the local ReStore my eyes fell upon an old TV armoire and I was instantly in love. My husband Paul was with me and wasn’t quite as impressed with it as I was, until I managed to share my vision for it in a way that he could appreciate! Refinishing or painting wood furniture isn’t something we are experienced with, but he agreed, purchase was made and we wrangled the big piece of furniture home. Read more….
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With spring and warm weather arriving I wanted a new look for my front door; something different and more unique than the typical round wreath. So I headed to the thrift store to see if anything would catch my eye. What I came home with was an old picture frame and visions of what I wanted to do with it. Read more….
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