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gift of timeInstead of giving candy or toys this Easter, give your grandchildren something that will have lasting value… the gift of time with you!

I’ve put together a list of 40 ideas for you to do just that; spend precious time with your grandchildren! I’ve also provided downloadable coupons for you to fill in with the activity you choose.  Download and print a coupon, fill it in with the activity you choose, place it in a plastic egg, a card, an Easter basket or at their seat at the table for Easter dinner!

Here are my ideas for special moments to share with your grandchildren: Read more….

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Children's chick craft

These little chicks are so cute and adorable your kids will want to make a whole flock of them!  My grandchildren and I made them today and they were so pleased with them.  If you’re thinking ahead about a craft for spring or Easter, this children’s chick craft is just perfect! Read more….


String art
This is very exciting for me!  I get to share a craft post with my granddaughter, Megan and grandson, Adam in it!  As I’ve shared before they live on the west coast and we live on the east, so we just don’t get to spend nearly as much time as we would like with them!

I’ve tried to come up with ways to include them more in my writing and I came up with the idea of mailing supplies to them to make a specific craft.  So I mailed them Read more….


Easter craftEaster is almost upon us!  Spring flowers are popping up and the days are beginning to lengthen.

With Easter close I wanted to plan an Easter craft for the grandkids they would actually use instead of it just becoming another addition to my refrigerator door or shelf menagerie!  Sound familiar?  I found this one at and liked the idea of the grandkids making their own Easter basket to Read more….


Cheeseball bunnyI admit it!  I have never been much of a cheeseball fan.  I know there are many of you that probably make a great cheeseball, but my experience for many years was just the store purchased variety.  Need I say more!  That is until this cheeseball recipe was made by one of my sisters and it changed my opinion forever! Read more….