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fairy gardenLast week I was strolling through the Christmas decoration aisles at Walmart and I happened to see this Jumbo LED Globe Ornament on the top shelf.  I instantly thought “fairy garden” and knew I had to take it home with me.  So after struggling to get it off the top shelf, it became mine!

My plan was to fill the bottom with snow and add some fairy garden items.   Read more….


Party in Your PJ'sHappy Tuesday evening to everyone!  I hope your week is going great so far!

Before we get this Tuesday evening Party in Your PJ’s started, I thought I would show you a little of my fairy garden.  I shared how I made this in the post, “Considering Your First Fairy Garden?“.  Since that time it’s been decorated for summer, Christmas, then back to summer and now for Halloween.  The Halloween decor is my absolute favorite so far!

Most of these pieces were picked up at Michaels craft store.  They were 50% and 60% off when I bought them, which is my favorite way to purchase things; on sale!  My granddaughter and I then had a blast designing our spooky little fairy garden! Read more….


fairy garden

Have you tried your hand at making a fairy garden, or maybe a gnome garden yet?  If you’ve been looking at all of the cute gardens on Pinterest, but feel intimidated about making your own, just jump in and give it a try!

With every craft or DIY project I make, I compare myself to others and feel inadequate.  In my eyes my projects never turn out as good as all of the others I see, however like most of us I’m my own worst critic!  So if we’re making it for ourselves and our home, aren’t we the only ones we have to please? And won’t we improve with each attempt?

So, with that thought in mind, I just completed my second fairy garden! Read more….