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learning lettersThis post contains affiliate links. Purchasing through them help support this website, and it’s very much appreciated!

We were focusing on learning the letter H this week, but these things would work with any letter you’re teaching.

There is a miniature horse farm about an hour away from us called “The Land of Little Horses“.  This is someplace I’ve been several times before.  The first time it was just my husband, Paul and I because he has first-hand knowledge of my love for horses and planned the day for me.  The visits after that have been with at least one grandchild in tow. Read more….


Children's chick craft

These little chicks are so cute and adorable your kids will want to make a whole flock of them!  My grandchildren and I made them today and they were so pleased with them.  If you’re thinking ahead about a craft for spring or Easter, this children’s chick craft is just perfect! Read more….


lemonade standDo your kids want a lemonade stand, but you’re balking at the idea because you don’t have anywhere to store it between uses?  That was my thought when I decided to build this portable one for my grandkids.

I’m at a place where I want to declutter my home and my life.  I am so tired of “stuff”.  Do you feel that way?  The longer you live in one spot the more “stuff” you seem to acquire. 

We had been planning a yard sale for a few months timed in conjunction with a community wide yard sale held every year.  I wanted the kids to have a lemonade stand, so I started thinking about a way to make one that could easily be put away for another time.  Read more….


Between the LinesI am so excited to be a part of the special “Between the Lines” blog series organized by Katherine over at highlighting bloggers age 50 and over!  Katie asked that we share a little about what our blog is about, ourselves and challenges of blogging at our age.

My bloggy beginning….

I was completely unfamiliar with blogging until my daughter-in-law started one.  Her beginning was very humble; she was hoping to be able to acquire free diapers for her and my sons new baby.  Her blog has grown tremendously and she inspired Read more….


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Grandkids are the best! We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our 5th, a baby girl due in September. Currently my daughter and her family are living with us and the baby will be sleeping in Mom and Dad’s already crowded 10×10 bedroom! With barely enough room for a cradle and a few supplies Rachel is doing a great job of making the most of the small space. To make the baby’s little corner of the world a special place she created a ribbon and fabric mobile with white and pink polka dot print fabrics and vintage ribbon. It will hang over Ella’s cradle next to a small cart filled with a few necessities.

The mobile is so cute I thought it would be fun to share pictures along with the instructions. It is a simple and inexpensive decoration that can be customized to fit any theme or color scheme. read more….