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Mediterranean DietFor years now we have all heard the merits of the Mediterranean Diet lauded from television shows, magazines or newspaper articles.   So what is it exactly, what benefits does it hold for us and last, but not least, what does it mean we eat??

Mediterranean cooking is a simple cuisine; one whose basic tenet is that food should be served as close to its natural state as possible.  Greek Olive Oil is one of the Mediterranean diet staples and it’s used in everyday dishes ranging from appetizers to dinner to dessert! Read more….


050 granola jar w txt 2If you’re looking for a homemade granola recipe I think you may want to try this one for delicious Orange Pecan Granola.  It is great tasting served with milk or on yogurt.  My husband Mike loves it…he eats it by the handful.  This granola is very easy to make, stores well and makes a great snack for the grandkids. read more….