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kayakingI’m not proud of this, but I’m an overweight, out of shape baby boomer age lady!  There,  I admitted it!  I know I need to work on it; eat right and exercise.  I have no legitimate excuse, so I’ll just keep working at making those right food choices and getting in that daily walk.  Never give up!

There is one form of exercise that my husband Paul, (who is also an overweight, out of shape baby boomer) and I have found that we really do enjoy together.  That sport is flat water kayaking! Read more…


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Have you ever heard of an event called the “Big Hurt”?  I hadn’t till recently and now I know why it has earned that name!  It is a grueling 4 leg race beginning with 16.5 miles of mountain biking, followed by 3 miles of ocean kayaking, 30 miles of road biking and ends with a 10k run.  Participants can race solo in Iron Division or as a relay team of 2-4 persons in the team division.   The Big Hurt originated in Port Angeles, Washington in 1997 and was an annual event until 2004.  It was resurrected this year to the delight read more….