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A very special greenhouse and nursery by the name of Lurgans lies in Orrstown, Pennsylvania, approximately 50 miles away from where we live. And I love to go there!

You might say “50 miles just to go to a nursery, aren’t there any closer?”  Oh yes, there are lots closer, but none nearly so special and so full of beautiful flowers as Lurgans.  You could say it’s well known in these parts!  Everyone that loves gardening loves Lurgans, myself included!

Every year in February, I make a trip to Lurgans, as many others do.  In February they have big beautiful Boston ferns growing in their greenhouse.  You can pick the ones you want, they tag them sold and for $10 they will continue to watch over and care for your fern until you return to get it in May.  I say May, because I always wait until then to make sure the last freeze is over.  Many others [click to continue…]



Yesterday was beautiful, sunny and warm; today we woke up to see snow flurries swirling past our window and covering the ground.  And a cold wind; can’t forget that.  Oh well, it is March and that means “in like a lion and out like a lamb”!

When I was planning for my grandchildren to spend the day with me, my mind went to activities centered around flowers because I had seen several blooming daffodils and flowering trees in my travels.  I decided to include planting flower seeds (to be transplanted to Grandma’s flower garden later), making a flower craft and reading a book or two about flowers to round out our flower adventures. Read more….


Plant care printable(This post contains Amazon affiliate links.  If you click on one and make a purchase I receive a small commission.  And I appreciate that very much!)

Last week when my grandchildren were here spending the day with me, a small little lavender watering can with a silver ring around the top caught my granddaughters eye.  It actually had been the vase in a floral arrangement my husband had sent me.

Of course she liked it very much, I mean what little girl wouldn’t have!  And what did Read more….


fairy garden

Have you tried your hand at making a fairy garden, or maybe a gnome garden yet?  If you’ve been looking at all of the cute gardens on Pinterest, but feel intimidated about making your own, just jump in and give it a try!

With every craft or DIY project I make, I compare myself to others and feel inadequate.  In my eyes my projects never turn out as good as all of the others I see, however like most of us I’m my own worst critic!  So if we’re making it for ourselves and our home, aren’t we the only ones we have to please? And won’t we improve with each attempt?

So, with that thought in mind, I just completed my second fairy garden! Read more….


Attracting HummingbirdsWe love hummingbirds! Currently there are 4 that reside in our back yard. All day long they chatter and chase one another around the yard competing for nectar. Of all our flowering plants the Cigar Plant seems to rank #1 in popularity with our hummingbirds and the Hibiscus is probably the 2nd most desired.

Hummingbirds do not rely on scent but rather color to lead them to flowers that produce large amounts of nectar. They are particularly drawn to tubular shaped brightly colored flowers of red, orange and hot pink. Hummingbirds will also read more….


Post Picture mainHouse plants and macramé plant hangers were the rage in the 70’s. I had no idea at the time how healthy house plants were for you, I just knew I liked having them in my home. Plants were an inexpensive way to decorate and making my own macramé plant hangers made it even more affordable to have them hanging in every room. I enjoyed doing macramé back in those days, but my plants and macramé fell by the wayside through busy years of keeping up with life, kids and working. read more….