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Noah is 4!We celebrated our Grandson Noah’s 4th birthday yesterday. He is so excited that he can now tell people his age and hold up 4 fingers instead of 3!

The day started off with a trip to the donut store with Mommy and Daddy before Dad had to head off to work. Next stop, home to feed baby and pick up Grandma for an excursion to the pumpkin patch. Noah’s Mommy started the tradition of taking him to the pumpkin patch on his first birthday and they’ve done it every year since. Being that it is exceptionally hot in California this year it felt more like a day to visit the beach rather than a pumpkin patch but Noah didn’t mind. A pumpkin is a pumpkin, despite the weather.

Of all the beautifully shaped pumpkins, Noah picked the bumpy one! When we asked the lady at checkout what made the pumpkin bumpy, she informed us it was read more….


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We celebrated our oldest granddaughter, Rylee Joy’s “sweet 16th” birthday this weekend.  It’s hard to believe that it was 16 years ago today that I first held that precious little bundle in my arms.   The feelings I had on that day are forever etched in my heart and mind.  That sweet little bundle has grown into a beautiful young lady, on the inside and out.  I couldn’t be prouder!

016ryour brithday girl read more….