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6 book giveaway

Congratulations to Samantha, winner of this giveaway for 6 children’s books!

It’s time for another giveaway for 6 delightful children’s books!  I love being able to offer these giveaways in the hope that the books received will encourage parents to read to their children.  It is one of the greatest gifts that you can give them.  Reading builds vocabulary and social skills in our children and opens up new worlds where their imaginations can soar!

I’m very happy to say that this giveaway contains two books to honor fathers and with Fathers Day fast approaching what better timing!

Aging Like a Fine Wine is participating in the Dads, Grads, & Everyone in Between Giveaway Hop, hosted by Lindsey Blogs and Viva Veltoro!

It’s the beginning of Summer and a time when we’re celebrating Dads and Grads, but in this Hop we’re not leaving anyone out! Hop around to all the bloggers participating in the linky at the bottom of this post to enter awesome giveaways worth at least $25 and don’t miss the amazing Grand Prize worth over $475! Read more….