Wondering how you’ll fill your days when you retire? Here are 50 fab ideas for staying active in retirement!
1. Take up a new sport – A few ideas to get you started: walking, swimming, badminton, tennis, canoeing, croquet, golf, biking, curling, bocce ball, shuffleboard, bowling, Tai Chi.
2. Be a campground host – If you own an RV, fifth wheel or travel trailer and enjoy being around people, this might be the perfect way to camp for free for the summer, plus in many instances, earn a small wage. Some things you might be responsible for: greeting guests and answering any questions that they may have, explaining the campground layout and directing guests to campsites, daily maintenance and cleaning of restrooms, fee collection, and cleaning and maintaining campsites. Read more…
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Has anyone seen my cell phone….words that I can’t even begin to remember how many times I’ve uttered. All I know is that I misplace my phone a lot and I get so tired of looking for it.
We no longer have a house phone, just our cell phones and one day it dawned on me that if we had an emergency I wouldn’t be able to find my phone to call 911!
My misplacing things isn’t limited to my phone either, I’m just as bad with keys. In fact, I lost one of those fancy and very expensive keys that are common to new vehicles today. The one I happened to lose was for my husband’s Ram truck. I have no idea where it is and I have looked for it….a lot! Read more…
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I love to share delicious recipes that are also quick and easy. I mean, we’re all leading busy lives, right? And finding time to spend in the kitchen can be very challenging.
This recipe for Dump Cake fits those requirements perfectly: quick, easy, and delicious!
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This past weekend I grabbed my car keys and my purse, kissed my husband goodbye and said “I’m running to Walmart to pick up a few things. I won’t be gone long.” The look on his face said it all, he knows what happens when I shop. After all, he’s been there, he’s made the dreaded trip to the store with me many times.
When I finally arrived back home 2 1/2 hours later, his eyes said “I told you so” and his lips jokingly said, “your face looks familiar”. So I tried to explain why my trip was, well, like all of my trips. Read more….
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The light is finally visible at the end of the tunnel, the day you’ve dreamed of, your retirement day!
You think that you’ve done everything you need to do to be ready for this day, but have you?
The fact is that many people find they haven’t prepared themselves nearly as well as they thought. The piece of the plan they’ve missed is the psychological aspect of transitioning into retirement. Read more….
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When it comes to pie fillings or the topping on my cheesecake, cherry is my favorite followed very closely by blueberry. This recipe for cherry cream cheese pie is easier to make than either of those and just as delicious. Just the way I like my recipes!
It looks pretty and is a creamy, flavorful treat in the pie crust, but I think it adds such a special touch to place it in a small fancy canning jar or a pretty dessert dish! Read more….
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This quick breakfast bread is so easy, and trust me, I love easy! The recipe was given to me by a woman I attended church with and I’ve enjoyed it ever since.
Most of the ingredients are probably in your pantry and refrigerator right now. It’s a perfect option for those busy mornings you don’t have time to cook. Add some healthy fruit options and even a breakfast casserole and you’ve got a full breakfast for company!
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Instead of giving candy or toys this Easter, give your grandchildren something that will have lasting value… the gift of time with you!
I’ve put together a list of 40 ideas for you to do just that; spend precious time with your grandchildren! I’ve also provided downloadable coupons for you to fill in with the activity you choose. Download and print a coupon, fill it in with the activity you choose, place it in a plastic egg, a card, an Easter basket or at their seat at the table for Easter dinner!
Here are my ideas for special moments to share with your grandchildren: Read more….
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Do you ever dream of selling everything after you retire, buying an RV and hitting the road to live the RVing lifestyle?
Or maybe keeping your home, but doing lots of traveling in an RV?
If you’re considering either one of these options, there are two books that you need to read!
I’m semi-retired; only working one day per week and my husband, Paul will be retiring on July 31st this year. Our plan is Read more….
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Each month a group of bloggers responds to the call to create something for the DIY Blog Challenge. Our challenge this month was to create a project with pom poms. I had never made a pom pom in my life, so my first step was to buy a pom pom maker. I found out that making pom poms is actually fun so I’ll probably be looking for ways to incorporate them into other projects! Read more….
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