I love my completed macrame hanger which is now hanging in a corner of my dining room.
It literally hung in my living room for 3 months in various stages of completeness before it made it to my dining room ready to hold wine or juice or champagne or?
I saw this in an old macrame book and it was so unique that I wanted to give it a go. Read more….
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by Teresa
on March 2, 2018

When I was in the sixth grade my teacher read the book “A Wrinkle in Time” to the class. Every day I anxiously awaited the designated time for her to read another chapter. I couldn’t get enough, I loved it! And now we have the opportunity to see it made into a movie.
A Wrinkle In Time is hitting theaters on March 9th, 2018. Fans of the book have been anxiously awaiting this movie for a while! To help celebrate this release, The Hopping Bloggers have come together to bring our readers A Wrinkle In Time prize pack worth over $150 that everyone will want to win! Read more….
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For a few years now I have been determined to join the reading club at our local library. And for those same few years, there always seemed to be a reason that it never worked out for me to go.
Last month I finally achieved my goal and attended my very first book club meeting!
This month at the club we will be discussing “Circling the Sun”, written by Paula McLain and published by Ballantine Books in 2015.
The book is a fiction book but it’s written about a true character, Beryl Markham which can be a difficult undertaking for any author. Read more….
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Paul and I spent a week in North Carolina on Oak Island recently. We had never been there before but had heard positive things about both Oak Island and the community of Southport so we decided to take a little trip and check it out. You see, we’re still wondering where we might want to call home one day.
We rented a small apartment that was built over the garage of the owners, Sandy and Scott. They fondly refer to it as Pelican’s Perch. It was small, but cute and had everything we needed. We found the apartment on Airbnb and you can find it here.
If we walked to the end of their short driveway we could see the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. Read more….
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I have a pen fetish! I have always loved planners, notebooks, paper, pretty much anything office supply related, but mostly pens. When out shopping together when our children were still at home it was always a joke between them and my husband that if they couldn’t find me, just look in the pen aisle!
I’ve recently found pens that I love so much that I had to share them with you. These pens weren’t given to me to write a review and I wasn’t paid to write a review, I simply want to share them with you because I like using them so much. Read more….
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Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed with all the information bombarding you from social media?
I do! In fact, when it comes to certain topics I just want to throw up my hands, walk away and give up.
Those certain topics for me are blogging and health information. Titles like “I made $5000 dollars a month my first year of blogging” make me feel as if I have failed and failed badly. Then I remind myself that nothing can make me feel like a failure unless I allow it! Read more….
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Snow has been rather absent so far this winter in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. We have an inch on the ground right now which will be gone tomorrow, I’m sure! I would like to see one good snowfall every year, (my husband hates it when I say that), have it last for a few days and then have the temps return to a balmy 50-60 degrees instead of below freezing.
So with actual snow lacking, in order to get our snow fix the grandchildren and I have read some snowman books, including Read more….
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Some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and if you click on them and decide to make a purchase I will earn a small commission and it’s very much appreciated!
This is the chili recipe that I’ve been using for many years. It’s quick and easy as the name states and I do love quick and easy when it comes to recipes!
There isn’t any chopping required unless you choose to chop fresh onion rather than using frozen. The prep is basically the time it takes to cook the hamburger and pour in the other ingredients.
Ingredients: Read more….
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Some of the links on this blog are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission and it’s very much appreciated!
Many of us love to see the signs of fall each year and all the things that go along with it…. crisp air, colorful leaves and fall festivals. But what also goes along with it is the shortening of our daylight hours and that can lead to problems.
Now fall has turned into winter and in addition to the shorter days, the temps have been frigid for some of us making it difficult to get outside.
I knew that dreary, cloudy weather and shorter days affected the way I felt and now I know why. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Read more….
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One day, about a year and a half ago, I was browsing through an antique store with nothing particular in mind, just looking. What I found was the frame for a mirror that had been on an antique dresser. It was just the frame, no glass, nothing else. But I liked it! It was only $25 so it became mine! My thought was to turn it into a chalkboard.
As I’ve mentioned before it often takes quite a bit of time at our house for something to go from being an idea to reality, so a year and a half later, I’ve finally turned my frame into a chalkboard!
Read more….
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