I am tickled pink to be participating in the Sentence a Day Writing Challenge for July. This is my first experience with trying to fit an entire day into one sentence and it’s certain to be a challenge!
This is the first day of July, so here we go…
July 1st – In Ventura, CA visiting with family for my Mom’s 85th birthday celebration!
July 2nd – Spent a beautiful day walking the beach and pier in Ventura and visiting the Santa Barbara Zoo with my daughter, sons, son-in-law, and grandchildren.
July 3rd – Today was a fantastic day spent on a whale watching cruise to the Channel Islands where we saw humpbacks, a blue whale and lots of common and bottlenose dolphins; heaven!

This is a blue whale! The biggest creature that has ever lived. I’ll never forget this. The sun had come out in this pic.
4th of July – Walked and walked some more at the Ventura street fair followed by a wonderful BBQ and fireworks with the family at my sister’s house.
July 5th – Long, long day of travel began by leaving Ventura at 9 AM to drive to LAX, then a flight to Salt Lake City and on to Dulles, followed by a drive home where we arrived at 2:00 AM.
July 6th – Never blinked an eye until 9:30 am followed by giving Gunnar loves, lots of laundry and recuperating!
July 7th – Back to work today after our fantastic week in CA visiting with family, a good day at work and an even better evening going out to dinner with hubs.
July 8th – I can’t remember the last time I slept in until 10:00 in the morning except maybe as a teenager, but it happened today, (just couldn’t get recovered from our trip) and this evening it’s a sleep over with 4 little munchkins, can you spell b-u-s-y.
July 9th – Up at 7am with 4 little ones, baths given, everyone fed, dressed and happy; except for the 3 year old who didn’t want to wear the dress I had ironed for her (yes, I still iron) and out the door by 10:45 and on our way to church, all without a picture… too busy!
July 10th – Monday has arrived and I filled in for another person at work and somehow managed to survive!
July 11th – Worked today and visited with some very special people!
July 12th – Up this AM and off to the groomer with Gunnar and then doing what I like best; puttering around at home, cleaning my wood floor and reading some blogs tonight (puttering at home is what I like best, not cleaning, puttering!).
July 13th – I signed up for an online class about writing children’s books at a local junior college today.
July 14th – It’s Friday and that means a work day for me.
July 15th – Aw, Saturday and a lazy cup of coffee while lounging in bed for awhile!
July 16th – My four little grandchildren came over for the afternoon and a sleep over with Grandma and Grandpa, plans included a trip to the fair with Aunt Holly and Uncle Luke; where we were all very disappointed to find out the Carnival section doesn’t start until tomorrow, though Jacob did get to ride a mechanical bull!
July 17th – Happy 14th birthday to my special grandson in California; it was wonderful to see him this month!
July 18th – My work day started at 7:30 AM and ended at almost 7:00 PM, I don’t think my fingers have the strength to type!
July 19th – Spent my day at home puttering around the house, finishing a post on the importance of nursery rhymes, watching pretty birds at my bird feeder and the best part; my son stopped in unexpectedly and spent some time with me which made it a great day!
July 20th – Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to work I go!
July 21st – And it’s off early to another day at work, which makes three days this week and it should only be two, but it’s vacation season and we all have to help fill in.
July 22nd – It’s Saturday and we waited until after noon for DirecTV to arrive for an installation, but no DirecTV so off to a few antique stores to look for a bench, which we didn’t find, but we did find some old theater seats that will work quite nicely where we’re putting them.
July 23rd – DirecTV showed up today and did their installation, so we are now trying to figure out how to use our TV, Netflix, etc; maybe we need to invite the kids over for dinner!!
July 24th – Paul stayed home with me today and we ran lots of errands, which when he’s along, always includes a stop at Lowes.
July 25th – It was off to work at 7 AM and back home at 6 PM where we enjoyed a dinner consisting of 1/2 of a cantaloupe, seeds scooped out and frozen vanilla yogurt scooped in, mmmm delicious!
July 26th – Worked on finishing up a blog post and some scavenger hunt printables until 11:00AM, then made a quick pass through the house cleaning up, doing a load of laundry, etc. before going over to my grandchildren’s house and finishing up a project we have going for Grandpa’s birthday on Friday!
July 27th – This is my last 3 day work week for a long while I hope, so like the little train I’m saying “I can do it, I can do it”!
July 28th – Today is Paul’s 63rd birthday and the grandchildren and I have a party planned, complete with a banner they decorated and the perfect picture of them with their grandpa in a frame garnished with their handprints and a sleepover of course; they are soooo excited about this!
July 29th – Today began with four sweet little faces and ended with a date with my hubs of 33 years; to see the movie Dunkirk (should be required viewing in every high school history class) and a nice dinner.
July 30th – Slept in this morning and besides a trip to Tractor Supply for Gunnar’s dog food and Lowes for something Paul wanted (see, Lowes!), we spent a nice, lazy afternoon together.
July 31st – I spent most of the last day of July running errands, such as to the dentist for a filling replacement and the hair dresser for overdue color on those roots!
This sentence a day writing challenge has been a fun experience; I truly hope you’ve enjoyed reading about my month.
Please comment below and tell me about your most memorable day in July. I’d love to read about it!
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