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Blueberry CakeBlueberries are not only flavorful and scrumptious; they’re packed with nutritious value, which makes them a fruit that I try to incorporate into my diet whenever I can.  There have been lots of studies done on the health benefits of blueberries and some of the things they’ve discovered are pretty exciting.  So if you’re trying to make healthy food choices for yourself and your family, read on! Read more….


blueberry bread & butter pudding

After browsing through all of those blueberry pie recipes last week, I have had a craving for, you guessed it, blueberries!  So with the goodness of blueberries fresh on my mind I decided to try an old recipe given to me by a sweet lady that said her grandmother used to make it for her when she was a little girl.

I had everything I needed except the blueberries, so I made a quick trip to the market to pick those up.  Upon returning home I was able to put this together and bake Read more….


Blueberry pieDid you know that today is Blueberry Pie Day and did you know that blueberries are one of the few fruits that are native to North America?

Native Americans called them star berries and believed that the berries were sent by the Great Spirit during a time of famine to relieve the hunger of their children.

We’ve known for a long time that blueberries have one of the highest amounts of antioxidants of all fruits and vegetables.  There is now evidence however, that blueberries can improve memory.  All the more reason to eat them! Read more…