Do you ever receive recipes from friends or co-workers and even though you have every intention of making them, it just seems that you never actually get it done? It’s happened to me many times. Recently as I was looking through my recipe binder I came across one of those recipes for cherry cookies. The recipe was called Cherry Winks and I decided to give it a try.
Anything with cherries, especially maraschino cherries can’t turn out bad, right? Read more….
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Autumn is my favorite time of year, my only wish is that it could last longer! I love the crispness in the air, the beautiful leaves, fall festivals and the smells of cinnamon, nutmeg and pumpkin baking.
I’m ringing it in a little early this year because I’m so anxious to share this delicious recipe for pumpkin oatmeal cookies with you. It has all of the right autumn ingredients that bring lovely scents to your home and cause mouths to water! Read more….
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A friend shared with me this delicious cookie recipe from a B&B in Santa Barbara. With cornflakes as an ingredient I was a little skeptical at first. After the first bite I was hooked. Couldn’t stop eating these yummy treats! They are a simple cookie, wonderfully crunchy with subtle flavor, very similar to shortbread cookies in texture but sweeter in taste. This is definitely my new favorite cookie recipe that is appropriate for all seasons and special occasions. read more….
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