Are there certain books that your children or grandchildren want you to read to them over and over?
There is a set of books at Grandpa and I’s house that are just that!
They are nursery rhymes. 12 little board books that come in a box that looks somewhat like a book itself. There is something about these small books that toddlers just love. I purchased our set of books when our 7 year old granddaughter was 2 years old. She loved them, then the next one loved them, and the next one loved them and the next one!
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Yes, this book set is on it’s 4th child and 1 year old Gideon now loves them. Every time he comes over he carries the big book that holds all the smaller ones out of the bedroom and hands them to us book by book to read to him. 3 year old Zellene still loves them as well. They show their wear by the bindings that are duck taped!
I don’t think they are actually making this set any longer, but you can still find it on Amazon right here. If you have a baby in your future whether as parent or grandparent, I don’t think you will ever regret buying these books!
Nursery rhyme books come in all kinds of sizes and combinations and regardless of the style, they are beneficial to our children. In a study done by the Center for Early Literacy Learning, results showed that reading nursery rhymes to children between the ages of 3 and 6 increases their literacy abilities in the three years that follow. Mem Fox in her book “Reading Magic” states it another way, “experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they’re four years old they’re usually among the best readers by the time they’re eight”.
Reading to children is always beneficial, but nursery rhymes to toddlers holds some special benefits! #books #toddler #preschool Click To TweetResearch on the human brain has shown that we remember in patterns. Reading books that rhyme to our little ones significantly increases the number of words they can easily read as a beginning reader.
Nursery rhymes are good for the brain, they expand our children’s imagination, improve their vocabulary and they are just plain fun. If you haven’t been reading these adorable little rhymes to your grandchildren it’s never to late to start!
What nursery rhymes do you remember the most?
Do you read, or sing them to your children or grandchildren?
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